November 11, 2022 Alberta_ No Comments

The Link Between Mental Health and Your Vision

Medical researchers have found close links between eye health and mental health. People with vision impairments often develop mental health problems like anxiety and depression because of the stress of living with their condition. People with mental health problems are also more likely to develop vision issues later in life. If you have vision problems, […]

August 23, 2022 Alberta_ No Comments

Men’s Mental Health Matters

Have you ever heard the saying “men don’t cry”? Where does this notion even start? In fact it seems that this saying permeates across cultures, generations and socio-economic status that “men do not cry”. We have seen it depicted in various ways from movies, to stories that men do not have emotions or can only […]

May 30, 2022 Alberta_ No Comments

Heal the wounds of your past to create a brighter future

D.W. Winnicott, a British pediatrician psychoanalyst said having a “good enough” childhood is adequate for us to grow up to be well-adjusted adults. In other words, we don’t need perfect parents or perfect childhoods to have successful lives as adults. This is good news for those of us who had less than ideal upbringings. It […]

Grief and intergenerational trauma

You have probably heard the word “ intergenerational trauma” or a “ generational curse”? In the last few years, these terms have become part of daily language. But, what does it mean and how can we recognize it in our daily life? In Canada, we often discuss and understand intergenerational trauma when we explore the […]

March 25, 2022 Alberta_ No Comments

Helping Transgender people Thrive In The Community

1 in 5 Canadians will experience a number of mental and physical health difficulties in their lifetime and the transgender community is no exception. However transgender people also face some unique set of challenges surrounding identity development, gender identity, discrimination and barriers to employment and more. Compared to cis-gendered teens, transgender youth are far more […]

February 21, 2022 Alberta_ No Comments

Anti-Bullying / Pink Shirt Day

The month of February is marked by LOVE with the celebration of Valentine’s Day across the world and in Alberta- Family day. We want to highlight a different type of “love” that is also equally as important- love of their neighbor/stranger.  In the last few decades, our society has become more aware of the impact […]

January 22, 2022 Alberta_ No Comments

Self-care instead of New Year’s Resolutions

As we venture into a new year, we have an opportunity to start afresh and set  course  to a new path. but we can not do this when we are not okay. This year, we are suggesting navigating to  self-care town where we start by taking care of ourselves.  Oftentimes, when certain people hear the […]